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Sanjib Bhakta

Sanjib Bhakta

Programme Director
Global Infectious Diseases at the Institute of Structural and Molecular Biology, Birkbeck, University of London
London, UK


Dr Sanjib Bhakta is a Reader (Associate Professor) in Molecular Microbiology and Biochemistry, Strategic Dean (International and Partnership) and Programme Director of MRes Global Infectious Diseases at the Institute of Structural and Molecular Biology, Birkbeck, University of London and UCL .His continued research interest in infectious bacterial diseases (funded by Wellcome Trust, Medical Research Council, UK and EU) is focussed on developing novel therapeutics as well as repurposing existing drugs to tackle antibiotic resistance and persistence in tuberculosis (TB), a global health emergency. He has published more than 100 original research articles for a number of internationally acclaimed journals including J. Exp. Med., JBC, Tuberculosis, Biochem. J., J. Antimicrob. Chemotherapy, FEBS J, Molecular Microbiology, British Medical Journal, PLOS, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry and Nature Sci Report.

Research Interest

infectious bacterial diseases,developing novel therapeutics as well as repurposing existing drugs to tackle antibiotic resistance and persistence in tuberculosis (TB),